DTSY1598 Three Phase STS Keypad Prepayment Meter

//DTSY1598 Three Phase STS Keypad Prepayment Meter
DTSY1598 Three Phase STS Keypad Prepayment Meter 2025-03-04T11:11:37+08:00

Project Description

I. General Introduction

DTSY1598 Three Phase Prepayment Meter adopts 20-digit STS TOKEN as a means of recharging. It is suitable for commercial and light industrial consumption scenarios. The consumer recharges the meter in unit of energy and the meter deduces the unit of energy according to the consumption. The meter is built with a keypad, allowing active energy measurement and prepayment control.

DTSY1598 offers the option of optical communication conforming to IEC 62056-21. The meter includes a measuring unit, RTC, charge control unit and other auxiliary units.

DTSY1598 Three Phase STS Keypad Prepaid Energy Meter takes electricity as your utility bill. Electricity users buy electricity first, and the meter subtracts the energy balance. When the energy balance is equal to 0 or when the overdraft is authorized by both parties, the meter sends a power-off signal in order to control the automatic cut-off of the load switch.



With replaceable modules space for PLC, RF, GPRS or 3G as up-link communication
Imbalance of voltage
Switchable between prepayment(STS or CTS) and postpaid mode
Power off display
Push button display
Replaceable backup battery with seal screw
Terminal cover opening detection
Low credit alarming
DLMS/COSEM communication protocol

Main Parameters

Item Description
Active energy Class 0.5 (IEC62053-21)
Reactive energy Class 2.0 (IEC62053-23)
Nominal voltage 3×220/380V, 3×230/400V or 3×240/415V
Current 5(100)A
Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz
Working voltage 80% nominal voltage to 1.15 nominal voltage
Working temperature range -25℃~+85℃
Communication port Optical port or RS485
Protection class IP54
Installation type BS
Life span 10 years
Relative humidity 0~95%

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